Black Eyed Pea One-Ups Wentz And Butler In Obama Ass-Kissing Stakes With Crummy “Music” Video

Jess Harvell | February 4, 2008 11:00 am
So here is “Yes We Can,” the video that and his star-studded iPhone address book put together for ABC in support of the Barack Obama presidential campaign, using the candidate’s New Hampshire primary speech as their aesthetic jumping-off point. Calling it “music,” as the folks at ABC News see fit to do, is stretching the definition further than a lot of stuff that gets written up in The Wire, though, as Common and Scarlett Johansson and John Legend and the Professor and Mary Ann perform a tuneless call-and-response with a recording of Barry’s original oratory. Plus I think maybe there’s a guitar strumming in the background? While the bleeding-heart in me appreciates the gesture and I realize it was rushed out thanks to a supposed sense of political urgency, c’mon, this is ham-handed even for a hump-chump whose idea of protest is “Where Is The Love.” [YouTube]