What’s Worth More? Elvis’ Image Or “American Idol”?

Dan Gibson | March 5, 2008 4:45 am

Thankfully, if you’re a stockholder in CKX, a company dedicated to “ownership, development and commercial utilization of entertainment content”, the answer isn’t important, since all that revenue goes to the same bottom line. Nonetheless, it’s a little shocking how much the CKX-controlled portion of Elvis’ estate generates in income, especially since they don’t control most of his musical catalog. According to the company’s SEC filing, dead Elvis will bring in $68.8 million for them this year from the operation of Graceland, licensed Pez dispensers, velvet painting royalties, etc. Things are looking up for the King further on down the road, as Elvis casinos, hotels, and listings for somewhat disconcerting “Cirque shows” will bring projected revenues to $137 million by 2011. Somewhere in Chicago, Oprah’s likely considering how a fake death might accelerate growth in her own portfolio. [Yahoo Business via Silicon Alley Insider]
