Today’s Guest-Blogger Makes Idolator More Whiney Than Usual

Christopher R. Weingarten | March 10, 2008 8:46 am

Oh, hi. I didn’t see you there.

My good friend Moira asked me to guest-edit my favorite blog. I said to her, “That sounds like a great idea! Can it be the day that everyone is packing and panicking and boarding planes for SXSW so absolutely no one will ever see it?” She, of course, said “yes.” As much as the snippy “whatever”s, exasperated sighs and eye rolls that Mora solely uses as conversation tools with me constitute a “yes.”

A little about me: I am the editor in chief of Paper Thin Walls, a Web site that is far more popular than a bunch of other Web sites that you don’t visit. We mainly do snappy, punchy features on independent music and have been the adoptive online home to a lot of print-magazine writers for two years now. I’m really proud of the work I’ve done, but Marra is a real pain in the ass and told me that I can’t spend all day hyper-linking to my own site. “Why?” I asked. “We’re a Growing site with needs.” “No Except-ions, Chris. Pick your Battles.” Also, for some reason, she said “Neon Neon Dan Deacon Bon Iver Beach House.” I can’t make heads or tails of her sometimes!

So, yeah, everyone at PTW is big fans of Idolator, a Web site with none of the MP3s you want in a music blog, and all of the insight you evidently don’t. I look forward to being a real-life blogger, even if just for this one day! It has been my dream job to add three sentences of jokes to press releases ever since I was a child drawing dicks all over school pamphlets. Mara, I’m honored to accept the comically low blogger rate that’s killing all the print magazines I love and essentially guaranteeing I don’t work after 2010, especially if it means I get to draw dicks for you today.

P.S.: The commenter who is nicest to me gets a YSI of the new Deerhunter album.
