MTV, Please Just Stop Showing Music Instead Of Trying To Ruin It?

Dan Gibson | March 11, 2008 1:15 am

MTV’s President of Entertainment declares that their new lineup has a common denominator: the “goal is to get our viewers to participate in the world of music.” If what he’s proposing here is what the “world of music” is going to look like, please count me out.

“America’s Next Best Dance Crew” has been renewed, and if they can find another group of breakdancing roller skaters, I’m for it, but at least one of the new shows sounds nearly as bad as that rappin’ celebrities show.

In “Rock the Cradle,” which premieres April 3, the non-pro children of well-known performers will compete against one another. Among the performers whose offspring will perform are Olivia Newton-John, Kenny Loggins, M.C. Hammer, Eddie Money and Dee Snider.

I’m not sure who thought this was going to be a good idea, but I barely want to hear from the parents of the featured children, much less even think about Eddie Money’s kid working his way through a cover of “Two Tickets To Paradise”. Just a reminder, and I know there are a few rare exceptions, but try to recall how fortunate we’ve been with the progeny of musicians in the past:

I could be wrong though…I’m sure Dee Snider’s kid is a fountain of talent.

MTV tunes up ‘Rock,’ ‘Pop’ series [Variety]
