The Jonas Brothers And David Archuleta Fight For The Hearts Of America’s People Meter-Equipped Tweens

noah | March 25, 2008 9:30 am

The producers of Dancing With The Stars are still smarting from getting trounced in the ratings last week by American Idol, so for tonight’s broadcast they decided to bring out the synergistic big guns: Disney’s own Jonas Brothers will perform a couple of songs, a sneaky bit of counterprogramming that seems designed to entice the preteens who love David Archuleta into changing the channel and engaging in extended arguments over which Jonas is cuter. Alas, this probably won’t entice enough of the creepy old ladies who are crafting in Archie’s name to also switch channels and “forget” to vote for their lip-smacking sweetie, but we can dream, right?

I was going to use the rest of this post as an extended treatise on who should ultimately be the 16/Bop crowd’s first pick, but then, while looking for illustrations, I came across this photo:


Yes, that’s the Jonases (Jonii?) upstaging the President of the United States. I think we know who wins, fridge magnets or no.

Dancing With The Stars: Week Two [Reality Check] [Photos: AP]