Ted Nugent And Sarah Palin Are Blood Brothers

noah | September 17, 2008 2:00 am

Never one to let a good media opportunity pass him by, Ted Nugent has decided to send an autographed advance copy of his forthcoming book Ted, White, & Blue: The Nugent Manifesto–which arrives in bookstores and other places that just happen to have large numbers of right-wing screeds on their shelves Oct. 6–to Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin*, since they possess a shared love of hunting, killing, and all that other red-meat “(wo)man’s (wo)man” bullshit that so-called conservatives eat up. Ted’s missive, complete with awkward Declaration Of Independence allusions, after the jump.

Dear Governor Palin,

Please accept this copy of my new book, “Ted, White & Blue: The Nugent Manifesto” for you and your family. As a proud fellow American hunter, fisherman and lover of Alaska’s soul cleansing magnificent Spirit of the Wild, we who live our American Dream by God, truth, logic, goodwill and decency, thank you for bringing such defiant common sense and self evident truth back to the GOP and politics. We wish you Godspeed for the best hunting and fishing season of your life and pray to God almighty that you bring your bold spirit to the White House.


American BloodBrothers, Ted Nugent and family

“Defiant common sense,” huh? Well, I guess this was written before the whole e-mail hack story broke….

TED NUGENT Reaches Out To SARAH PALIN [Blabbermouth]

* First person to send me a tweaked version of the Japanese cover for Love Grenade gets a cookie!