How To Sneak The Underaged Into Shows: A(n Un)Helpful List

mariasci | December 22, 2008 4:45 am

Rock scribe Jimmy Guterman wants to know how he might get his 12-year-old daughter in to see Ida Maria at a 21+ show. There are the obvious solutions: getting her in for soundcheck, getting her in as press, getting her in backstage, bum-rushing the door with the rest of her punk friends. But what are the less sensible, less effective methods she could use to get in?

  • Perch on a friend’s shoulders, then wear a long trenchcoat. Put an obviously fake mustache on. Hope the bouncer busts up laughing. Sneak in when he does.

    More helpful suggestions after the jump!

  • Use suction cups to walk up the side of the building. Carefully cut a hole in the skylight using a glass cutter. When you accidentally fall right into the middle of the show and the music screeches to a halt, dust yourself off and make a “who, me?” gesture and everything will be fine.
  • Find a map of the sewer system. Tunnel into the basement. Get on a platform, but someone accidentally hits a button, and—what’s this? A hydraulic lift? Oh no! We’re on stage! But then Ida Marie will hand you a guitar and you will rock out together.
  • Get a hundred puppies, release them at the door, follow them inside; if stopped, say, “Are you against puppies?!”
  • Try to get a rider attached to the retraction of the NYC term limits law that allows awesome 12-year-olds to go to shows by Norwegians. Study carefully for your awesomeness certification and get it before the show.
  • Dress as a pizza delivery person; acquire pizzas. (With boxes.) Go to door; say, “Did somebody order pizzas?!” Then punch the bouncer and run in.

    Hope I could help!

    Ida Maria and how the Internet might be able to help me make a 12-year-old girl happy [Jimmy Guterman] [Pic via basic_sounds]