Eminem Punishes Us

Lucas Jensen | April 14, 2009 6:30 am

On two different covers for the June issue of XXL, Eminem embraces his inner Frank Castle, appearing as Marvel Comics character The Punisher and what in God’s name is going on with his Frankenstein brow? Was it always like that? Did they photoshop it to make him look… browier? Will this issue be packaged with a 3-D cover so as to ensure extra browage? Is he the missing link?

It’s the kind of tie-in that will only matter to 14-year-old boys and hardcore Eminem fans, seeing as how the last two Punisher movies haven’t exactly lit up the box office. Wait. 14-year-old boys… hardcore Eminem fans. I could be talking about the same people here. Think the tie-in comic will suck? Let’s put it this way: The Punisher might be a less interesting character than the Hulk. Here is his response to every single moral quandary he faces: shoot things. Need vengeance? Shoot things. See a hot girl? Shoot things. Rerun of Dancing With The Stars? Shoot things. He hasn’t changed as a character since his inception, much like, well, Eminem. Oh, now I get it!

XXL June Covers (Eminem) [Nah Right]