Mariah Carey: Pop Princess, Drag King

noah | June 30, 2009 9:15 am

I suppose it’s a testament to the makeup department that had its way with the person above that I didn’t recognize “him” as Mariah Carey in drag–I just thought it was a sign that the casting rolls supplied to Mimi and Brett Ratner, who’s directing her forthcoming video for “Obsessed,” didn’t have all that many options in the “Eminem impersonators who had been given a beard for the purposes of not seeming too stalker-ish” department. Anyway, this sort of takes the “why you so obsessed with me” lyric in Mariah’s new single to, uh, new levels of hypocrisy? Or weirdness? I can kind of already tell that I’m going to miss Jack McBrayer in this new video. Check Out The star Of Mariah’s Video Obsessed []