Check Out Lana Del Rey’s Lips Photoshopped Onto Other Celebs (PHOTOS)

Erika Brooks Adickman | January 26, 2012 2:05 pm

We knew it’d only be a matter of time before some creative genius decided to Photoshop Lana Del Rey’s most prominent feature, her constantly pouting lips, onto the faces of innocent celebrities. And that’s exactly what the people behind People With Lana Del Rey Lips did. We can’t blame them — who wouldn’t want to share lips with a smoking hot pop star? The Internet has already been graced with a Justin Bieber and LDR face mash-up, which was mildly disturbing (to say the least), but what do you think about the Born To Die songbird’s kisser on George Clooney’s face, or on President Obama? Let us know in the comments below, or on Facebook and Twitter. And for more creepy Lana lip mashups, head here.