Samuel L. Jackson Performs Nicki Minaj’s “Beez In The Trap” For BET

X. Alexander | June 23, 2012 11:18 am

The BET Awards are coming at you on July 1, and Nicki Minaj is almost certain to pick up the statue for Best Female Hip Hop Artist (her competition is Trina, Diamond, and Brianna Perry). Since the diva herself may have too busy to film a promo for the upcoming show, BET has found a dead ringer for Nicki — the host of the shindig, Samuel L. Jackson — to do the honors (watch at BET). Donning a pink wig and rapping along to “Beez in the Trap,” you’d almost never know it wasn’t Nicki herself! Just one question, though — who let these motherf*cking beez in our motherf*cking trap?!?