Justin Bieber Makes Fun Of Himself With Bieber Decoys On ‘SNL,’ Also Shows His Abs: Watch

Carl Williott | February 9, 2013 10:19 pm

Leading up to his double duty gig on Saturday Night Live this weekend, Justin Beiber promised that everything was on the table — and everyone naturally assumed this meant the marijuana photo and the Selena Gomez break-up. While we didn’t catch any Jelena jokes, there was a brief reference to Weedgate.

But one sketch in particular, which involved deploying Bieber lookalikes as security decoys, took aim at all the Bieber tropes: the winking, the handmade-heart dance move, the resemblance to Ellen DeGeneres. Bieber was a great sport, and the chance to make fun of himself also offered him the chance to show off his vocal skills and dancing prowess. And abs. His sculpted-by-Michelangelo abs. Watch up top.