Michael Jackson And Eric Roberts, Together On Film

noah | July 8, 2009 11:00 am

Our pals at Movieline have dug up some footage from Miss Cast Away—a hybrid of Airplane!, Lost, and late-night Cinemax movies that stars Eric Roberts–that features Michael Jackson in what was probably his last starring role in a flick intended for commercial release. (The IMDB description calls it “A spoof that combines Cast Away with Miss Congeniality, Planet of the Apes, Love Boat, Gilligan’s Island, The Sixth Sense, Jurassic Park, and more.” Whew.) Jackson plays “Agent MJ,” a spoof of his Men In Black 2 character who has ominous things to say about destroying an ark, one that just so happens to be located on an island where Roberts and a bunch of beauty queens have crashed. If you dare, the trailer is after the jump.

In a bit of “bringing the mountain to Mohammed” trickery, Jackson’s footage was shot at Neverland Ranch, and a “making of” that outlines the film’s M.O. as “Here’s Michael Jackson and Eric Roberts and Joe Millionaire in the same film, with quirky special effects” and also reveals what the inside of the Neverland library looks like. It is also narrated, it would seem, by someone wearing a leftover Planet From The Apes costume.
Somehow, the previously viewed DVD of this film available on eBay is only $35, although expect that number to go up shortly (if only so Evan “Joe Millionaire” Marriott can finally own a piece of his long-gone acting career). Inside Michael Jackson’s Final Film: Miss Cast Away, Starring Joe Millionaire [Movieline]