These Creepy Quotes From The Most Prolific Serial Killers Will Leave Your Blood Running Cold

Rose Reilly | September 25, 2024 9:00 am

What's creepy about serial killers is that many of them are always described as "the nice guy" or someone who seemed harmless. They are smart, conniving, and give the perception that they're normal. While they may seem unoffensive from the outside, the evil that churns inside them is haunting.

Many of the most infamous serial killers have given us a glimpse of how disturbing their psyche is by the quotes they've given after they were captured. They're bone-chilling and confusing to regular-minded people. Insane doesn't even begin to describe what these serial killers were thinking on a regular basis.

Ted Bundy

Photo Credit: Bettmann / Corbis/ Getty Images
Photo Credit: Bettmann / Corbis/ Getty Images

Bundy was known for his good looks, charm and articulate manner growing up. He would go on to become one of the most infamous serial killers of all time. He murdered upwards of 30 women. He would pretend he had a broken leg in a cast, he would ask women for help with loading items into his car and while he was doing that he would beat them over the head.


Jeffrey Dahmer

Photo Credit: Curt Borgwardt / Sygma/Sygma / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Curt Borgwardt / Sygma/Sygma / Getty Images

The killer, necrophile, rapist, and cannibal would prey on young boys and men. He was known to have killed 17 of them between 1978 and 1991. He was sentenced to 15 consecutive life terms and would eventually get beaten to death in prison in 1994.


Edmund Kemper

Photo Credit: Bettmann / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Bettmann / Getty Images

Standing at 6ft 9in tall and possessing an IQ of a genius — Kemper was one of a kind. He killed 10 people, starting at the age of 15 when he murdered his grandparents. He would focus on female hitchhikers who were very vulnerable. He kept their heads as a trophy.


David Richard Berkowitz

Photo Credit: Hulton Archive / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Hulton Archive / Getty Images

He was known as the Son of Sam and a member of a Satanic cult. He killed six people and wounded seven others by 1977. He eluded the police in New York City while leaving letters that mocked police and promised further crimes. When he was caught he confessed to the murders saying that they were from the orders of demons manifested in the form of a dog named "Harvey".


Aileen Wuornos

Photo Credit: Florida DOC / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Florida DOC / Getty Images

While working as a prostitute in Florida, she would murder men who she said would try to rape and assault her. Her method of killing was with a gun point blank. All of her killings were claimed to be in self-defense but after seven murders that were all suspiciously the same, she was given the death penalty. Most of her victims were found in wooded areas while in the nude and multiple bullet wounds. She died by lethal injection in 2002.


Richard Ramirez

Photo Credit: Florida DOC / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Florida DOC / Getty Images

His highly publicised home invasion crime spree terrorized the residents of the greater LA area. He was dubbed the Night Stalker and was a known Satanist. He was on the run for about a year breaking into people's homes and murdering everyone in sight for the thrill of it. Sometimes he would hang the victims from pipes in their house after he shot them, while other times he would hack people down with a machete. He ended up killing dozens of people before his capture in 1985.


Dennis Rader

Photo Credit: Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office / Getty Images

His trademark was BTK: bind, torture, kill. He used to send letters describing the details of the murders to police and local news outlets before his arrest. After a decade-long hiatus, he sent letters again to which he finally got caught. He was known for stalking his victims first. He's currently serving 10 life sentences in a prison in Kansas.


Alberto DeSalvo

Photo Credit: Bettmann / Contributor / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Bettmann / Contributor / Getty Images

Known as the Boston Strangler, DeSalvo was actually put away for a series of rapes, and not murders. But as you can see from this quote, DeSalvo didn't share the same opinion. He killed 13 women in the early 60s, all by strangulation, usually with their own articles of clothing. In 1973, he was stabbed in prison.


John Wayne Gacy

Photo Credit: Bettmann / Contributor / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Bettmann / Contributor / Getty Images

Gacy sexually assaulted, tortured, and murdered at least 33 teenage boys and young men between 1972 and 1978. All of his known murders were committed inside his home and all but one of his victims was killed by strangulation. He used many different tactics to lure the boys into his home before he would knock them out with a toxic substance. He became known as the Killer Clown because he was known to dress up in a clown costume for charitable events and birthday parties.


Peter Kurten

Photo Credit: Hulton Archive / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Hulton Archive / Getty Images

"After my head has been chopped off, will I still be able to hear, at least for a moment, the sound of my own blood gushing from my neck? That would be the best pleasure to end all pleasure." - Peter Kurten


He was known in the 1920s as the king of sexual perverts and was found guilty of nine counts of murder and seven counts of attempted murder which sentenced him to a beheading. It was said that he would drink the blood of his victims wounds. He would also go to the graves of the kids that he would kill and dig his hands in the soil.


Charles Manson

Photo Credit: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation / Getty Images
Photo Credit: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation / Getty Images

The cult leader and head of the Manson Family is responsible for the death of seven people. The group was involved in the murder of Gary Hinman in 1969 and then gained national notoriety for the murder of actress Sharon Tate and four others in her home a month later. Although Manson was not there, the murderers were instructed by him as they were completely brainwashed by him. They killed the victims through stabbing. They even attempted to assassinate United States President Gerald Ford.


Zodiac Killer

Photo Credit: Bettmann / Contributor / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Bettmann / Contributor / Getty Images

"I like killing people because it is so much fun, it is more fun than killing wild game in the forest because man is the most dangerous animal of all." - Zodiac Killer


The Zodiac Killer killed seven people (he claims 37 but only seven have been solved) in the Northern California area. He got the name "Zodiac" because of a series of taunting letters sent to the local press. These letters included four cryptograms to which only one has been definitively solved. A 408- symbol cryptogram was solved which contained a misspelled message which said that he was collecting slaves for the afterlife. He would send swatches of clothing from dead victims so that they knew he wasn't kidding around. In 2004, police closed the case for the most part and no one has been caught.


Carl Panzram

Photo Credit: Bettmann / Contributor / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Bettmann / Contributor / Getty Images

After a series of imprisonments and escapes, he was executed in 1930 for the deaths of 21 people. Although it couldn't be proven that he committed all of those deaths, they were able to give him the death sentence after he killed a prison guard. He contemplated mass killings like poisoning New York City's water system with arsenic or blowing up a British warship to start a war between the US and the UK.


H.H Holmes

Photo Credit: Chicago History Museum / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Chicago History Museum / Getty Images

He confessed to 27 murders but authorities were only able to tie him to nine of those. He built a hotel in Chicago specifically for the purpose of killing guests and many speculate that he could've killed close to 200.


Jane Toppan

Photo Credit: Bettmann / Contributor /Getty Images
Photo Credit: Bettmann / Contributor /Getty Images

In 1901, Toppan admitted to murdering 31 people with poison. She was a very well respected nurse with some absolutely terrifying motives as you can see by her quote. She would fondle her victims as they died and attempt to see the inner workings of their souls through their eyes. She got a sexual thrill from patients being near death, coming back to life, and then dying again. She would use poison in many aspects of life. She even poisoned herself so that she looked drunk around a guy she was courting.


Jack The Ripper

Photo Credit: Bettmann / Contributor / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Bettmann / Contributor / Getty Images

Jack the Ripper is the best-known name for an unidentified serial killer generally believed to have been killing in and around London England in 1888. He would usually attack prostitutes who lived in the slums and would cut their throats prior to abdominal mutilations. He would remove internal organs and it was thought that he had some surgical knowledge. All of his murders were gruesome, but he was never found. There are hundreds of hypotheses about the Ripper's identity which has added to the aura surrounding these murders.


Susan Atkins

Photo Credit: Bettmann / Contributor / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Bettmann / Contributor / Getty Images

Atkins was a member of the Charles Manson's "family" and took part in a series of nine murders at four locations in California in 1969. She is perhaps a part of the most famous murder family in the history of the US. She was the longest-serving female inmate in California until her death in 2009.


Gary Ridgway

Photo Credit: Elaine Thompson-Pool / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Elaine Thompson-Pool / Getty Images

Known as the Green River Killer, he was initially convicted of 48 separate murders and is presumed to be responsible for more than 90 deaths. He is the most prolific serial killer in the history of the US in terms of confirmed murders. Almost all of his victims were sex workers because they were vulnerable. He strangled all of his victims and he was given the name Green River Killer when the first five victims were found in the Green River.


John Haigh

Photo Credit: Keystone / Hulton Archive / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Keystone / Hulton Archive / Getty Images

" In my dream I see before me a forest of crucifixes which gradually turn into trees. At first there appears to be dew or rain dripping from the branches, but as I approach I realize it is blood. Suddenly the whole forest begins to writhe. The trees, stark and erect, ooze blood. A man goes to each tree catching the blood in a cup. When his cup is full he approaches me. 'Drink' he says. But I am unable to move." - John Haigh


Haigh is known as the Acid Bath Murderer who killed at least six people in Britain. He battered or shot his victims to death and used concentrated sulphuric acid to destroy their corpses before forging papers so he could sell the victims' possession and collected substantial amounts of money.


Marcel Petiot

Photo Credit: Keystone-France / Gamma-Keystone / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Keystone-France / Gamma-Keystone / Getty Images

Petiot was a French doctor who was suspected of killing upwards of 60 people. 23 bodies were discovered in his basement. He was caught because his neighbors complained to police about a foul smell coming out of his chimney. When firemen got to the house they found decomposing bodies all over the property.


He was also the mayor of a small town and was credited with helping people escape Nazi-occupied France. He was under the constant watch of the Gestapo after he was known to have killed some German soldiers.