Albert Einstein’s Explained Theory Of Happiness Is In A Simple Handwritten Letter

Aria Misty | October 2, 2024 3:00 am

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When you think of the most famous geniuses to ever grace our world Albert Einstein is likely to come to mind. His work in Physics not only earned him the Nobel Prize but helped humanity as a whole make strides on their understanding of the world and the universe itself. But even Einstein understood that to understand the world and our place in it, we must also understand ourselves.

What happens inside of us has a direct impact on the outside world. To be able to make positive changes within it, we must first make ones for ourselves, starting with figuring out how to be happy. Einstein's theory of happiness might have the answer to that too!

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The Impact Of The Theory Of Relativity

circa 1939: German-born physicist Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955), who developed the Theory of Relativity. He moved to Princeton, New Jersey in 1933, when Hitler came to power, and recommended the construction of an American atomic
MPI/Getty Images
MPI/Getty Images

Einstein's most famous theory is the General Theory of Relativity. This theory made history when he published it in 1915. At the time he made the groundbreaking realization t that the speed of light is a constant and that the law of physics always maintain the same form. The theory also became a theory of gravity. The basic idea says that planets bend space and time around themselves. Things fall towards the ground because they're actually falling towards the middle of the Earth. The Earth is pulling space-time toward itself

To us today, these statements may sound logical but without the scientific tools, we have today to hypothesize,test, and understand how the world worked. it was revolutionary. These theories provided the foundation upon which the concepts of space and time were eventually built. We are still building on his theories in science today.


A Small But Important Piece Of Paper

The owner of a Jerusalem auction house holds up a note on happiness written by Albert Einstein in 1922. The note, which Einstein gave to a courier in lieu of a tip, sold for $1.56 million on Tuesday to an anonymous buyer.
Menahem Kahana/AFP/Getty Images
Menahem Kahana/AFP/Getty Images

Above is the actual piece of paper with Einstein's handwriting. it was written seven years after he published his work on the theory of relativity. Just like that on a piece of stationery from the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Einstein would share insight that can impact our lives forever. Except for this time, his theory wasn't rooted in science and complicated tests.


This time, Einstein tried to find a formula for happiness. He wssn't doing this to make money or solve great scientific tests. After all, what was the point of trying to make sense of a world we weren't happy in? He simply wanted to hand it to a messenger boy as a tip, promising that it would be worth a lot someday.


The Key To Happiness

Albert Einstein sticks out his tongue when asked by photographers to smile on the occasion of his 72nd birthday on March 14, 1951.
Getty Images
Getty Images

Einstein was right when he offered the young boy this incredible advice, but he never could have predicted how much his words would actually be worth one day.


The writing on the note was simple and to the point. Instead, Einstein’s words were simple: "A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness." Just like he said happiness would be, Einsetie's words were modest and simple. There would be no long essay explaining what happiness is, how it works, and the magic formula to achieving it. That would defeat the point of the rest that happiness is meant to bring.


Stop The Chase

lose-up-shot-of-a-beautiful-woman smiling
Maria Orlova / Pexels
Maria Orlova / Pexels

If you think about it, Einstein's theory of happiness is a lesson that many of us could use today more than ever. We live in an extremely fast passed environment, that encourages a "just push through" it mentality so we ignore the signs even when our mind and body are screaming at us to just slow down and stop chasing success or the next thing.


We work strict jobs that make us feel stuck and like we have to work ourselves to the bone to reach fortune and success. We set unattainable expectations and spend our lives feeling disappointed that we're not there yet.

But what if instead of always looking at how to reach more power, success, and money, we stopped to enjoy what we already have? What if we stopped trying to fit into ideals and thought about what actually makes us happy and went after that instead? At that point it's easy to find that happiness is already all around us, in the people we love, in nature, and in the small things we keep ignoring to find bigger and supposedly better things.


Happiness According To Psychology

woman smilingin field
Gabriela Cheloni / Pexels
Gabriela Cheloni / Pexels

Psychology Today explains how happiness isn't defined by a singular source of joy. You have to allow yourself to be uncomfortable to actually be happy. Happiness comes from accepting your genetic makeup, your family of origin, your environment and your relationships. In acceptance comes power. No matter how much you've been wronged by people and circumstances, happiness comes from reminding yourself that while you couldn't control what happened to you, but you have complete personal control over what you make of it.


Einstein suggested a calm and modest life brings more happiness. In calmness and modesty, there is healing, acceptance, mindfulness, gratitude and the influence of these factors creates genuine happiness.

Frank T. Andrew, professor of psychology explains: "We work very hard to reach a goal, anticipating the happiness it will bring. Unfortunately, after a brief fix we quickly slide back to our baseline, ordinary way-of-being and start chasing the next thing we believe will almost certainly – and finally – make us happy."


Money Can't Buy Happiness...?

The owner of a Jerusalem auction house holds up a note on happiness written by Albert Einstein in 1922. The note, which Einstein gave to a courier in lieu of a tip, sold for $1.56 million on Tuesday to an anonymous buyer.
Menahem Kahana/AFP/Getty Images
Menahem Kahana/AFP/Getty Images

This is your sign to stop living for the next moment and make the best of this one. Look around you and you'll notice all the blessings you were already given today, Only then can you actually appreciate whatever more blessings come to you tomorrow. No matter how much more money you make, you'll learn the hard way that it'll never be enough on its own.


Ironically, Einstein never could have predicted what would come of his note. Now known as "Einstein's Theory of Happiness" the small handwritten note sold on October 24th, 2017 for a whole $1.56 million at an auction in Jerusalem.

Some would say its price defeats its purpose, others would say that it's a testament to how much reward simplicity, calmness, and modesty eventually pay off.

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Take A Moment of Gratitude

Edu Carvalho / Pexels
Edu Carvalho / Pexels

Do you want to be happy? Truly happy? Who doesn't? Well, the answer to how to do that is much simpler than you think. It all comes from within. You already have all you need to be happy. Start with counting your blessings.


According to positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. That's because Gratitude helps people become aware of the positive emotions they already have, take in the full impact of their good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.

Start with this exercise, close your eyes, feel the ground beneath you, thank the earth for supporting you, thank your body for giving you life, thank yourself for getting yourself this far, thank your loved ones for their support, and thank the universe for your place in it.


Happiness Is Good For You! (Obviously)

Satoru Takamatsu / Pexels
Satoru Takamatsu / Pexels

"When people feel happy, they tend to feel confident, optimistic, and energetic and others find them likable and sociable. Happy people are thus able to benefit from these perceptions," says Sonja Lyubomirsky, a coauthor of the happiness study. You can be happy. You are in control. In Ensetein words. All you need is to be calm and modest.


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